Yayına Başlama ve Makale Kabul
Yayına Başlama ve Makale Kabul
An article to be published in Atlantis must not have been previously published on a different platform. The article should not be submitted to different journals at the same time or should not have been previously published in another journal.
In co-authored studies, it is not possible to add/remove authors after the article is submitted to the journal.
Ethics committee permission and approval: For studies that require data collection through surveys, observations, etc., ethics committee permission must be stated in the article submitted to the journal.
The manuscripts are anonymously reviewed by a double-blind reviewer for scientific consistency and quality. Studies deemed appropriate for publication in line with the opinions of the reviewers are published according to the publication order of the journal.
Process in a candidate article:
1. The article is first reviewed by the Editorial Board, and the article found suitable in terms of writing rules and quality is directed to two blind reviewers (15 days).
2. The reviewers who are invited are given a period of time to accept the evaluation (10 days).
3. The reviewers who accept the invitation within the specified period are expected to evaluate the article within the given period (15 days).
4. The article is evaluated by the reviewers as; not suitable for publication/suitable for publication/publishable after corrections.
5. The decision that it can be published after corrections is communicated to the author by the reviewers, and the author is given a period of time to make the specified corrections (15 days).
6. The article completed and finalized by the author is uploaded to the journal, and the articles reviewed by the Editorial Board are directed to the Language Editor (7 days).
7. If a correction is requested by the Language Editor (only English), the article is directed to the author (7 days).
8. The articles whose language check is completed are assigned to the planned issue for publication and the publication process is completed.
The decision process for publishing an article in ATLANTIS varies depending on the density and number of publications, but the average decision process is 30-60 days.
Yayına Başlama ve Makale Kabul
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